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College and Career Ready Standards (CCRS) Interim Assessments

With the implementation of the College and Career Ready Standards (CCRS) in English-language arts (ELA)/Literacy and mathematics, DoDEA has adopted new CCRS-aligned interim assessments to measure student progress towards mastery of content standards taught in particular grade levels and/or courses. This school year (SY) 2023–24, the administration of these CCRS-aligned measures, which will be called CCRS Interim Assessments, will begin this fall 2023 and run through winter 2024. The test administration calendar is accessible on the DoDEA Website through the following link: Assessment Calendar

Student Participation

The CCRS Interim Assessments will be administered for ELA/Literacy to grades 3–8 and 10, and for Mathematics to grades 3–5. Students will take the assessments online via the Pearson Access (PA) platform.

Student Results

Results for the CCRS Interim Assessments are reported according to four performance levels that delineate the knowledge, skills, and practices typical students can demonstrate based on their grade level or course standards. The four performance levels are: Above (75–100), Meeting (46–74), Approaching (26–45), and Beginning (0–25).

Interim Assessment Reports

Several reports of student performance will be made available to teachers. The report list includes an Individual Student Report, Item Analysis Report that can be sorted by Item, Skill, Standard, and Student, as well as a Student Progress Report. The CCRS Interim Assessment reports will assist teachers in developing and implementing strategies to build on strengths and mitigate weaknesses in student learning and analyze the impact of the strategies on student achievement.

Features of the CCRS Interim Assessments include:

  • multiple choice (selected-response) items
  • open-ended (constructed-response) items
  • technology-enhanced items
  • extended writing tasks (in response to passages read by students) at every grade level and course within the ELA/Literacy assessment
  • online mode of administration (exception for students with an Accommodations Plan that requires them to take a paper version of the assessments

Resources for Teachers, Parents, and Students

Student Practice Tests

Practice tests are available for students and teachers to become familiar with the kinds of items and format used for the tests. All computer-based practice tests have scoring capability built into the tool. 

Support Access

Teacher support resource materials are available through the following:

Contact Information

Please contact your child’s teacher or school administrator with any questions regarding CCRS Interim Assessments.

Alternate Content Standards (ACS) Interim Assessments

For  school year (SY) 2023–2024, DoDEA will offer the Checkpoints (Pre and Post Assessments) in the Unique Learning System as Alternate Content Standards (ACS) Interim Assessments in grades K–12. Participation in these assessments is required for the November, January, March, and May Checkpoints. Students in the Learning Impaired Moderate/Severe (LIMS) program will take only one Checkpoint per interim assessment window. The testing calendar is accessible here.

Common Paced Assessments: Science

For school year 2023–2024, DoDEA provides the option to administer the common assessments for science. Participation in these assessments is voluntary for districts and/or schools. Flexible options for test administration of the voluntary common assessments for science are available through May 2024. The testing calendar is accessible on the DoDEA Website through the following link. Additional information on the Assessments for Learning is accessible through the following link: Assessment Resources

Interim Assessments Videos

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