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School Name Community Phone Number Fax Number
Bahrain MHS Bahrain Community Schools +973 1772-7828 973-1772-8583
Barkley ES Fort Campbell Schools 931-257-9170
Barsanti ES Fort Campbell Schools 931-257-9180
Baumholder MHS Baumholder Community Schools (+49) 611-143-545-1200
Bechtel ES Camp McTureous Schools DSN: 622-7504 or 098-954-7504 098-954-3846
Bitz IS Camp Lejeune Schools 910-939-7260 910-451-1475
Bob Hope ES Kadena AB Schools 098-961-4524
Bolden EMS MCAS Beaufort (Laurel Bay) Schools 843-466-7100 843-846-9283
Bowley ES Fort Liberty Schools 910-861-7025 910-907-3513
Brewster MS Camp Lejeune Schools 910-939-7280 910-451-2600
Brussels EHS Brussels Community Schools +32 (2) 405 0102
Crossroads ES Quantico Schools 571-660-9565
Daegu ES USAG Daegu - Camp George 05033-63-1645
Daegu MHS USAG Daegu - Camp Walker 0503-363-6108
Dahlgren Dahlgren 540-469-7100
Darby ES CFA Sasebo Schools 0956-50-8800/8837 0956-50-8804
DeLalio ES Camp Lejeune Schools 910-939-7290 910-449-0677
Devers ES Fort Liberty Schools 910-861-7050 910-396-7374
Dexter ES Fort Moore Schools 762-524-6490 706-545-9106
Diamond ES Fort Stewart Schools 912-304-7150 912-876-8350
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