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School Name | Community | Phone Number | Fax Number |
Edgren MHS | Misawa AB Schools | 0176-77-4377 | 0176-77-4959 |
EJ King MHS | CFA Sasebo Schools | 0956-50-9757 | 0956-23-3622 |
Elliott ES | MCAS Beaufort (Laurel Bay) Schools | 843-466-7330 | 843-846-6720 |
Faith MS | Fort Moore Schools | 762-524-6500 | |
Feltwell ES | Lakenheath Community Schools | 01638-46-0140 | |
Fort Campbell HS | Fort Campbell Schools | 931-257-9200 | |
Fort Knox MHS | Fort Knox Schools | 502-942-3070 | 502-624-6171 |
Garmisch EMS | Garmisch Community Schools | +49 8821 750 2611 | |
Gordon ES | Fort Liberty Schools | 910-861-7075 | 910-908-3504 |
Grafenwoehr ES | Grafenwoehr Community Schools | +49 611-143-545-2061 | |
Guam HS | U.S. Naval Hospital Schools | 671-344-7410/11 | |
Hampton PS | Fort Liberty Schools | 910-861-7100 | 910-908-1190 |
Heroes ES | Camp Lejeune Schools | 910-939-7310 | |
Hohenfels ES | Hohenfels Community Schools | +49 06111-43-545-2182 | +49 09472-8632 |
Hohenfels MHS | Hohenfels Community Schools | 09641-70-545-2194 | 09472-83-3161 |
Humphreys Central ES | USAG Humphreys Schools | 050-3356-9308 | |
Humphreys HS | USAG Humphreys Schools | 011-82-5033-56-9427 | |
Humphreys MS | USAG Humphreys Schools | 011-82-503-357-2167/2168 | 315-634-8328 |
Humphreys West ES | USAG Humphreys Schools | 050-3357-2127 | 757-2159 |
Ikego ES | CFA Yokosuka Schools | 046-806-8320/8323 | 046-806-8324 |