For Immediate Release
Date: May 1, 2024
(315) 652-5657
Ms. Merilee Debus selected as Instructional System Specialist for Professional Learning in Guam

Guam —
Department of Defense Education Activity Pacific West District Superintendent Dr. Jacob Sherwood is pleased to announce the selection of Ms. Merilee Debus as Instructional System Specialist for Professional Learning at the district’s Guam Field Office, effective June 16, 2024.
Ms. Debus is a native of Savannah, Georgia with 24 years of experience in education. She began her career in the Liberty County School System in Hinesville, Georgia, where she spent ten years teaching elementary and middle school. Since joining DoDEA, she has served as a teacher at Bahrain Elementary School, Bitz Intermediate School, Kaiserslautern Middle School, and Andersen Middle School. She has served in DoDEA Americas, Pacific East, and Europe East Districts as an Instructional Systems Specialist supporting teachers and administrators across various disciplines. She has also worked at DoDEA Headquarters, where she served as a member of the Standards and Curriculum Branch overseeing the implementation of the College and Career Standards for Literacy across the organization.
She holds a Bachelor of Science in Middle Grades Education and Master of Education in Adult Learning and Community Leadership from Armstrong Atlantic State University. With her passion for DoDEA’s mission to serve our military connected children and their families, she brings a strong foundation in curriculum, instruction, and assessment to her new position as Instructional Systems Specialist for Professional Learning at the Guam Field Office.