Publication of DoDEA AI 1302.01: Chemical Hygiene Program in the DoDEA Science Program, Change 2
This issuance change was approved on September 3, 2024. This Issuance establishes policy, assigns responsibilities, and implements procedures for the Department of Defense Education Activity (DoDEA) Chemical Hygiene Program (CHP) in Science Laboratories and Classrooms. The purpose of the DoDEA CHP is to ensure all DoDEA school staff and students are protected from the health hazards of the chemicals used in science laboratories and classrooms.
The significant changes to this Issuance include ensuring that emergency equipment, such as eyewash stations and showers, are available and complies with current DoDEA Safety policy in DoDEA school science laboratories and classrooms where chemicals are used; a semi-annual inventory of all chemical substances stored or used for all science programs shall be conducted by the DoDEA School CHO. Two (2) chemical inventories will be conducted each school year. One inventory will be conducted at the beginning of the school year before September 30th and one inventory will be conducted at the close of the school year no later than June 30th; the safety shower shall be maintained in accordance with the current DoDEA safety policy to ensure proper working order and purge any standing water in the lines weekly; and an eyewash station shall be maintained in accordance with current DoDEA safety policy to ensure proper working order and purge any standing water in the lines weekly.
Please contact the Curriculum and Instruction Division with any questions.