Publication of DoDEA REG 1307.01 Sure Start Program, Change 2
This issuance was approved on July 29, 2024. This Regulation incorporates and cancels Department of Defense Education Activity (DoDEA) Regulation 2020.1, to update the system-wide policy and responsibilities for the DoDEA Sure Start Program in accordance with Department of Defense (DoD) Directive 1342.20 and the current DoDEA Sure Start Program Guide.
This new publication incorporates and cancels: DoDEA Regulation 2020.1 “DoDEA Sure Start Program,” October 15, 2007 as amended, DoDEA Policy Memorandum 10-L-001 “Categorical Eligibility of Sure Start Participants in the DoD Student Meal Program” July 7, 2010, and “DoDEA Regulation 1307.01 DoDEA Sure Start Program” May 2, 2018.
Please contact the Curriculum and Instruction Division with any questions.