Pilot Program at Fort Jackson

Email us at fortjacksonpilot@dodea.edu for more information about this pilot program.
Fort Jackson Pilot Opens Applications for Off-Base Children
To attend a Department of Defense Education Activity school in the contiguous United States, a student’s parent or guardian must 1) be a full-time, active-duty service member or full-time Department of Defense civilian employee and 2) reside in permanent on-base housing at an installation where DoDEA operates schools.
However, Congress recently authorized a pilot program through the 2021 National Defense Authorization Act that would expand that eligibility at four pilot sites, allowing for the children of full-time, active-duty military who reside off the military installation to attend a DoDEA brick-and-mortar school, provided space is available.
The purposes of the NDAA pilot program are to evaluate the feasibility and advisability of expanding enrollment in DoDEA schools and to determine how increased access to such schools will affect military and family readiness; the pilot will last seven years at Fort Jackson. Only students who are dependents of a full-time, active-duty service member with assignment orders to the selected pilot installation are eligible for enrollment.
To be eligible for the pilot program, students selected to participate in the program must be a dependent of a full-time, active-duty service member with orders to Fort Jackson. The order of priority for applicants under the pilot program is:
- Returning students
- Siblings of students enrolled under the pilot program
- Service member’s position and family status; high to low priority rankings (in order) are: Drill Sergeants (Single Parent), Drill Sergeants (Dual/Married), Active Duty (Single Parent), Dual Military (1 Drill Sergeant), Dual Military, Drill Sergeant with working spouse, Active Duty with working spouse, Active Duty all othersÂ
There are other factors that affect which students are selected for enrollment. For example, school administrators will determine capacity at a specific grade level. This availability also may change from year to year. Where two or more students qualify in the same category and grade, the student who submitted the first application will be accepted.
How to Enroll
- The application portal opens Feb 1 at 8:00 a.m. EST and will remain open throughout the pilot program.Â
- Open the application on a personal computer or personal wireless device due to security limitations with Department of Defense computers.Â
- Fill out an application for each student you want to enroll.
What You Need to Know
- Transportation to and from school for children living off the installation is not provided.
- Applying for this program does not guarantee enrollment. Parents should still enroll their children in the local school available to them.
Next Steps
School administrators will review applications according to the timeline below and will notify parents or guardians about whether there is space for the student to attend (see timeline below). If space is not available, the student will be placed on a wait list.
Since changes in enrollment occur throughout the school year, the school will continue to review applications and select students for participation where space is available.
If your student(s) are selected for the pilot program, you will be notified by email and asked to complete the online registration process for the school where they are accepted.
Timeline for SY24-25
Date | Action |
February 1 | SY24-25 Application Opens |
March 1 | SY 24-25 Applications reviewed for those who applied up to February 29 |
NLT March 15 | Parents notified for approval or placed on the wait list. |
April 1 | Applications received between March 1-31 reviewed. |
NLT April 15 | Parents notified for approval or placed on the wait list. |
May 1 | Applications received between April 1-30 reviewed. |
NLT May 15 | Parents notified for approval or placed on wait list. |
June 1 | Applications received between May 1-31 |
NLT June 15 | Parents notified for approval or placed on wait list. |
July 1 | Applications received between June 1-30 |
NLT July 15 | Parents notified for approval or placed on wait list. |
August 1 | Applications received between July 1-31 |
NLT August 15 | Parents notified for approval or placed on wait list. |
September 1 | Applications received between August 1-31 |
NLT September 15 | Parents notified for approval or placed on wait list. |
October 1 | Applications received between September 1-30 |
NLT October 15 | Parents notified for approval or placed on wait list. |
November 1 | Applications received between October 1-31 |
NLT November 15 | Parents notified for approval or placed on wait list. |
December 1 | Applications received between November 1-30 |
NLT December 15 | Parents notified for approval or placed on wait list. |
January 1, 2025 | Applications received between December 1-31 |
NLT January 15 | Parents notified for approval or placed on wait list. |
Frequently Asked Questions
- Who is eligible for the pilot program?
- Children must be a dependent of a full-time, active-duty service member with orders to Fort Jackson.
- Is there an age requirement for students to enroll in the pilot program? Â
- The Pilot Program at each military installation follows the DoDEA Policy on early childhood entrance age requirements. Â For the Pre-Kindergarten program, the student must be 4 years old on or before September 1st. Â For Kindergarten, the student must be 5 years old on or before September 1st. Â For First Grade, the student must be 6 years old on or before September 1st. Â For possible exceptions and details please see DoDEA AI 1344.01, Section 8, page 27.Â
- What are the priorities for accepting new student applicants?
- Returning students
- Service member’s position and family status; high to low priority rankings (in order) are: Drill Sergeants (Single Parent), Drill Sergeants (Dual/Married), Active Duty (Single Parent), Dual Military (1 Drill Sergeant), Dual Military, Drill Sergeant with working spouse, Active Duty with working spouse, Active Duty all others
- Siblings of students enrolled under the pilot program.
- What factors are considered for enrollment?
- School administrators will determine capacity at a specific grade level.
- Availability may change from year to year.
- Where two or more students qualify in the same category and grade, the student who submitted the first application will be accepted.
- How do I enroll?
- The application portal opens Feb 1Â at 8:00 a.m. EST and remain open until January 15 of school year 2024/2025.
- Open the application on a personal computer or personal wireless device due to security limitations with Department of Defense computers.
- Fill out an application for each student you want to enroll.
- When will I know if my student is accepted?
- School administrators will begin reviewing applications for next school year on March 1; they will notify parents or guardians via email about whether there is space for the student to attend.
- If space is not available, the student will be placed on a wait list.
- Since changes in enrollment occur throughout the school year, the school will review pending applications monthly. See the timeline for precise dates.
- Applying for this program does not guarantee enrollment. Parents should still enroll their children in the local school available to them.
- Will transportation be provided?
- Transportation to and from school for children living off the installation is not provided.
- Are children of DoD civilians that reside off base eligible for this program?
- No. According to the language in the National Defense Authorization Act that authorized this program, it is only open to dependents of a full-time, active-duty member of the Armed Forces.
- Are children of Reserve and Guard members that reside off base eligible for this program?
- It depends on your orders. In general, if your orders are Title 10 for more than 365 days, then yes. If your orders are Title 32, then no.
- DoDEA will review orders prior to final enrollment. For now, we recommend you apply.
- The orders must assign the servicemember to the installation that is participating in the pilot program.
- Are international officers eligible for the pilot program?
- No. Congress authorized the pilot program for full-time, active-duty members of the Armed Forces.
- Is there before and after school care available for students who participate in the pilot program?
- Yes, this will need to be coordinated through the Child and Youth Services program on Fort Jackson.
- How long will families be given to make their decision if selected for the Pilot Program
- 5 working days (excludes federal holidays, Saturday and Sunday)
- Do I need to notify my current school if my child is accepted for the Pilot Program?
- Yes, if a student accepts the offer to attend the DoDEA school and meets all other eligibility requirements as determined through the online registration process; the student must officially withdraw from current school.
- Do I need to reapply each year for this program?
- Yes, you will reapply each year.
- Could my student be accepted one year and denied the following year?
- Yes, it is possible. However, students enrolled the previous year will be given priority in school year 2024-2025.
- What happens when the pilot program ends? Will they be removed from the school?
- The pilot program is schedule to end after school year 2028-2029. At that point, your student would return to his or her designated local school.
- We are moving off base. What happens now?
- Your student is on continued enrollment through the end of the school year. At that point, you will need to either 1) send your student to your designated local school or 2) apply to the pilot.
- Your student is not eligible to re-register as a traditional student, as moving off base changed your qualification status. You may still apply through the pilot program for consideration.Â