Office of Inspector General
Office of Inspector General
DoDEA OIG seeks to improve DoDEA programs by identifying key issues, recommending corrective actions, and promoting a high level of integrity.

- To provide independent and objective oversight to improve and promote the integrity, accountability, and performance of the DoDEA programs;
- To detect and deter fraud, waste, abuse, and mismanagement in the DoDEA programs and operations; and
- Help ensure ethical conduct throughout the DoDEA
DoDEA OIG seeks to improve DoDEA programs by identifying key issues, recommending corrective actions, and promoting a high level of integrity. To achieve this, DoDEA OIG incorporates three core functions:
- Investigations:
- Investigators conduct fact-finding examinations into allegations of impropriety or a condition that adversely affects the DoDEA mission to educate, engage, and empower each military-connected student to succeed in a dynamic world
- Investigators maintain and provide assistance to those who contact the DoDEA Hotline. To prevent duplicative work, the DoDEA OIG does not accept complaints for matters for which regulations prescribe an established avenue for redress. A list of those matters and the appropriate avenue can be found at DoDEA Established Redress and Resolution Paths.
- Inspections: Inspectors conduct compliance or systemic assessments of DoDEA facilities, resources, and performance metrics to evaluate and determine how well a DoDEA program or function is executing its mission in accordance with law and governance
- Audits:
- Auditors conduct impartial and objective appraisals or verifications of DoDEA data, procedures, or performance of diverse operations, systems, activities, programs, functions, or funds, and of internal program and management controls
- Auditors also serve as the liaison and coordinator of DoDEA’s audit activities with the Government Accountability Office (GAO), Department of Defense Office of Inspector General (DoD OIG), and other external audit-related groups
Dr. Bernardo C. Salazar, EdD.
Inspector General
Lyndsay E. Kaulave
Assistant Inspector General for Investigations and Inspections
Heather Hendren
Assistant Inspector General for Audits
DoDEA OIG Headquarters Office
DoDEA Headquarters
ATTN: DoDEA Office of Inspector General
4800 Mark Center Drive
Alexandria, VA 22350-1400
HQ OIG Email:
Hotline telephone: 571-372-7410
Hotline DSN: 312-372-7410
Hotline Email:
Region Offices
Americas Office (Peachtree City, GA)
DoDEA Americas Headquarters
ATTN: DoDEA Americas OIG
700 Westpark Drive
Peachtree City, GA 30269
Pacific Office (Okinawa, Japan)
DoDEA Pacific Headquarters
Unit 35007
APO AP 96376
From US: 011-81-98-970-5706
DSN: 315-652-5706
From Japan: 098-970-5706
Europe Office (Sembach, Germany)
DoDEA Europe Headquarters
Unit 29649
APO AE 09136
From US: 011-49-611-143-545-1532
DSN: 314-545-1532
From Germany: 0611-143-545-1532
Resources Outside DoDEA OIG
Read before filing a complaint:
Who may file a DoDEA OIG complaint?
Any DoDEA employee, student, or legal guardian of a DoDEA student may file a complaint. Anyone, including those with no affiliation with DoDEA, may file a complaint with the DoDEA OIG regarding DoDEA fraud, waste, abuse, mismanagement, or Whistleblower Reprisal.
What types of complaints are appropriate to file with the DoDEA OIG?
Any complaint regarding fraud, waste, abuse, mismanagement or Whistleblower Reprisal should be reported to the DoDEA OIG. Complaints received regarding other types of issues (ex: discrimination, harassment, and conditions of employment) or matters with other means of established redress, are addressed by other DoDEA programs, and will be referred by the OIG as appropriate. DoDEA Established Redress and Resolution Paths
Does the OIG guarantee confidentiality?
If you request confidentiality, the OIG will not release your name outside of the OIG unless confidentiality is waived or the OIG determines that such disclosure is unavoidable during the course of the investigation. You are not required to identify yourself when submitting a Hotline complaint.
You may file anonymously (no identifying information is provided) or confidentially (identifying information is provided, but release of the information is not granted), or you may consent to disclosure of your identity.
If you file your complaint anonymously, the OIG will not be able to contact you to request additional information or provide you the open/closed status of your complaint. Complaints alleging Whistleblower Reprisal may not be filed anonymously or confidentially.
Whistleblower Reprisal Protection
If you are a Federal employee, or employee of a contractor, subcontractor, or grantee submitting information to the DoDEA OIG regarding fraud, waste, abuse, or mismanagement in DoDEA’s programs, resources, or operations, you are probably a whistleblower. Federal law prohibits governmental personnel from retaliating against someone who acts as a whistleblower by reporting suspected fraud, waste, abuse, or mismanagement to the OIG. See 5 U.S.C. § 2301, “Prohibited Personnel Practices,” or DoDEA Regulation 1400.14, “Prohibited Personnel Practices,” dated September 26, 2018 for more information.
How to Submit a Complaint
AUTHORITY: 10 U.S.C. 113; 10 U.S.C. 141; 10 U.S.C. 2164; DoD Instruction 7050.01; and DoDEA Administrative Instruction 7050.01. PRINCIPAL PURPOSE(S): Information is collected to facilitate the provision of DoDEA Inspector General services to the complainant, ensuring effective resolution and oversight of reported issues. Completed form is covered by CIG-16 SORN. ROUTINE USES: Disclosures are generally permitted under 5 U.S.C. 552a(b) of the Privacy Act of 1974, as amended, records contained herein may specifically be disclosed outside the DoD as a routine use pursuant to the DoD blanket routine uses, DISCLOSURE: Voluntary; however, failure to provide the information may prevent proper response, referral, or adjudication of the matter.
Hotline complaints may be filed via one of the following:
- Complete the hotline form at DoDEA Activity Webforms page.
- Email: If you are unable to access the link, please email to request a fillable form.
IMPORTANT: Please download the Action Request Form prior to filling it out. The information can only be saved in a downloaded form. Once downloaded, completed, and saved, then the form should be emailed to the OIG Hotline. - Hotline telephone: 571-372-7410 or DSN 315-372-7410
- Mail or courier: Deliverable to DoDEA OIG Headquarters in Alexandria, VA or Region Offices at Torii Station, Okinawa, Japan, or Sembach, Germany**
- In person: Walk in to DoDEA OIG Headquarters in Alexandria, VA or Region Offices at Torii Station, Okinawa, Japan or Sembach Germany*
*For physical locations, please contact the applicable OIG location telephone number listed on the OIG Home page under “Resources and Contacts”
**See location addresses on the OIG Home page under “Resources and Contacts”
NOTE: To contact the HQ OIG for matters other than submitting a complaint/issue, please contact