Partnership and Resources
Partnership and Resources
Educate, Engage, and Empower military-connected students to succeed in a dynamic world.

The Partnership and Resources Division (PART) supports the DoDEA vision to be among the world's leaders in education, enriching the lives of military-connected students and the communities in which they live. To achieve this mission, our work extends to military-connected students in states and countries that are not directly served by a DoDEA school. To reach the full intent of this mission we partner with internal DoD stakeholders and external military-connected associations and education organizations and agencies.
- To provide resources, technical assistance, and support that facilitates the continuity of education and learning experiences for military-connected transitioning students PK-grade 12;
- To implement programs of scale that support DoD dependents around the country and the world;
- To promote, foster, and engage in partnerships with stakeholders that support military-connected students, families and communities.
The PART Division impacts over 350,000 students annually though programs and stakeholder connections
DoD Impact Aid:Â DoDEA administers Department of Defense (DoD) Impact Aid programs. Â This funding reimburses public school districts that meet specific eligibility criteria and is a supplemental funding opportunity to Department of Ed Impact Aid.
Education Connections: The PART Division serves as a catalyst to integrate existing educational efforts and a champion for quality educational opportunities for all military children.  Our vetted and updated resources are based on decades of work with military-connected agencies, public and private not-for-profit organizations, requests for new resources and our direct work with families.Â
Grant Program: Local public-school districts across the United States that have at least one school with a 10% military-connected student population, are eligible to submit an application to the competitive DoDEA Grant Program. Â
Non DoD School Program (NDSP):Â DoDEA provides educational support and financial assistance to families assigned to international locations where there is no DoDEA school.
Special Arrangements: DoDEA implements six contracts in four locations providing a cohesive and comprehensive PreK-Grade 12 education to DoD dependents who are not served by a DoDEA school. The program supports nearly 1,500 students each year.
School Liaison
To locate the School Liaison for your installation, please access the directory in the link provided for transitioning student assistance, by location, arriving or departing.
We stand ready to support military families, educators, and students themselves! Stay in touch: Helping you to succeed is our favorite thing to do for military-connected students and families.