Bullying Prevention Month

Bullying prevention remains one of DoDEA’s top priorities. In order to help educate and raise awareness of bullying prevention, DoDEA actively acknowledges National Bullying Prevention month in October. Multiple events will be featured throughout the month including a social media campaign using the hashtag #DoDEAAgainstBullying.
School staff and students are encouraged to post photos and videos showcasing their bullying prevention activities and efforts throughout the month. DoDEA will also be posting on a variety of bullying prevention and education topics geared towards students, parents, and school staff including: Teasing, Isolation, Rumors, Threatening Behaviors, Physical Harm, Cyberbullying.
DoDEA Anti-Bullying Message
DoDEA Bullying Prevention Information
For Students |
For Parents |
For Educators |
Additional Resources |
Unity Day Against Bullying
Unity Day fosters the belief that all youth should be safe from bullying and encourages everyone to wear the color orange in support of bullying prevention.
On Wednesday, October 16th, students, parents, and school staff across DoDEA are invited to join us in a unified show of support by wearing orange. For DoDEA, it is a day we stand together and send a message that we care about our students’ physical, mental, and emotional health.
For great ideas on how students can get celebrate Unity Day, visit Pacer’s National Bullying Prevention Center.
Be sure to post your Unity Day photos to social media using #DoDEAAgainstBullying!