For Immediate Release
Date: June 14, 2023

Public Affairs Officer
Pacific Region Public Affairs Officer


(315) 652-5657

DoDEA Pacific Host Nation Summer Program (Japan and Korea)

Pacific’s Host Nation Summer Program is a unique learning opportunity available to registered students attending a participating DoDEA Pacific school in Japan or Korea.

Japan and Korea —

DoDEA Pacific’s Host Nation Summer Program is a unique learning opportunity available to registered students attending a participating DoDEA Pacific school in Japan or Korea.

The three-week long, in-person program provides DoDEA students with a cross-cultural and language acquisition experience to develop a greater understanding of Korean or Japanese culture and an appreciation for the Host Nation.

This year’s summer learning experience will run from June 12-30, 2023. Daily schedules vary by school.

The Host Nation Summer Program does not replace the special education summer compensatory program options that are already available for students and are not intended for students who are in advanced placement programs. Families must provide transportation to and from the school, as transportation is not provided.

Parents of students interested in participating in the Host Nation Summer Program must indicate interest by completing the registration form by the closing date. Families will be notified at least two weeks before the start of the program of their child’s enrollment status.

For more information about the Host Nation Summer Program, contact your student’s school.

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