Pacific School Advisory Committees

A School Advisory Committee (SAC) is established for each DoDEA overseas school. The SAC is comprised of parents, teachers, and other stakeholders who have a vested interest in quality education at the school. The committee’s purpose is to:
- Advise the principal and installation commander on policies and programs within their purview.
- Foster communications among administrators, military leaders, parents, and students.
- Provide a coordinated process to address and resolve issues at the lowest level. Facilitate problem solving and recommend action to appropriate officials.
DoDEA schools in Guam fall under the DoDEA Guam School Board that functions in a similar advisory capacity as the SACs.
SAC meetings are open to the public. Parents are welcome and encouraged to contact their local school to learn more.
Stakeholders can bring forth to the SAC any school-related, non-personnel matters such as educational programs, resources, services, and policies.
If the issue involves an individual DoDEA employee, student or school volunteer, the DoDEA Chain of Command is the appropriate path for prompt resolution:
- Classroom Teacher
- School Administration
- District Superintendent's Office
- Region Office & Administration
- DoDEA Headquarters
DoDEA school parents and full-time employees can serve as voting members on SACs. For high schools, a student representative also serves as a voting member. These members are elected through a public election process. Non-voting members on SACs include the principal, installation commander or designee, a union representative, and others.
Please contact your school for specific information on how to run in the next School Advisory Committee election. Each year elections are held to select new members representing parents and DoDEA employees.
The size of a school SAC is dependent on student enrollment numbers at that school and can range from 2 to 10 voting members.
Employee relations and student conduct are almost always matters handled by the Superintendent, principals, and administrative staff. If, for some reason, school advisory committee member participation is required, the Superintendent will explain the applicable rules.
No, generally the school board for a local education agency makes the policy and rules for schools in that particular school district; the Superintendent and staff implement the school board's policy. DoDEA overseas SACs act in an advisory capacity, providing input to the Superintendent and administrators in the areas of fiscal, personnel and educational policies, procedures and programs. The DoDEA school district Superintendent makes final decisions on matters affecting the school district.
The DoDEA Guam School Board functions in an advisory capacity like the DoDEA SACs.
The statute which authorizes DoDEA and the implementing DOD guidance define the roles of the DoDEA school advisory committees. Also, because DoDEA school advisory committee members are not officers or employees of the United States as defined in the "appointments clause" of the Constitution, they may not exercise discretionary governmental authority such as: taking personnel actions, expending appropriated funds, or establishing governmental policies. Â
The Superintendent and the SAC should always attempt to find common ground on all issues. However, DoDEA Superintendents are ultimately responsible for operation of the school district. In rare instances, a Superintendent may find it necessary to take an action with which the School Advisory Committees might not agree. The Superintendent should then provide the School Advisory Committee members with the rationale for that action. If necessary, either the Superintendent or the SAC members may ask for the assistance of the DoDEA Pacific Director.
Yes, all SAC members receive training so that they may better understand the rules which govern the operation of the SAC.
The SAC is encouraged to:
- Foster participation in school affairs.
- Provide a coordinated process to address and resolve issues at the lowest level.
- Promote communication and problem solving among school administrators, military leaders and local advisory committees.