Nomination procedures
- Nominations may be submitted by any DoDEA supervisor within the employee's chain of command, with the District Superintendent's, or Division Chief's (GS-15 level or above) endorsement. District Superintendents and Division Chiefs are asked to limit endorsements to one employee each quarter.
- EOQ nominations are due to Hongsuk Toenniges, DoDEA Awards Program Manager, Headquarters Labor Management and Employee Relations, for consideration by the DoDEA Incentive Awards Board.
- The DoDEA Incentive Awards Board is established by the DoDEA Director. Each Associate and Regional Director will appoint, in writing, one senior level employee at the GS-14/15 level or equivalent, to serve as their representative. The Director reserves the right to appoint additional board members. The most senior member, with the longest tenure in DoDEA, will serve as the DoDEA Incentive Awards Board Chairperson.
- The award justification narrative is limited to two pages, single spaced, with 5-6 bullet points numerating specific duty and mission related examples of the nominee's exceptional accomplishments, achievements, and contributions to the organization and the impact of those contributions.
The justification should include specific examples of performance or service that are exceptional when measured against position requirements. It should also explain how the performance or service exceeded those of others with comparable responsibilities, and also include the employee's title, series, grade, and a brief description of the nominee's duties and responsibilities. Statistical information and/or monetary savings information should be included, when applicable.
Submit a nomination
Nominations may be submitted by any DoDEA supervisor within the employee’s chain of command, with the District Superintendent’s, or Division Chief’s (GS-15 level or above) endorsement. District Superintendents and Division Chiefs are asked to limit endorsements to one employee each quarter.

DoDEA AI 1432.01 - Incentive and Honorary AwardsEmployee of the Quarter Nomination Form
Contact Information
Questions regarding this award program should be sent to the DoDEA Incentive Awards Program Manager.