The Voluntary Leave Transfer Program

Business man in suit holding a clipboard with VLTP written on it

The Voluntary Leave Transfer Program

The Voluntary Leave Transfer Program (VLTP) is a program that permits Federal civilian employees to donate annual leave to other Federal civilian employees who are experiencing personal medical or family medical emergencies. An employee who has a personal medical or family medical emergency that is likely to require the employee's absence from duty for at least 24 hours in a non-pay status, may apply to receive transferred annual leave from other employees with the concurrence of the respective management officials.

Employees who personally experience a medical emergency must exhaust all of their accrued or advanced sick and annual leave before they are eligible to apply to become leave recipients. If the medical emergency involves a family member, all of the employee's accrued or advanced annual leave (not sick leave) must be exhausted.

How to Apply to become a Leave Recipient?

An employee who has been affected by a medical emergency shall complete OPM Form 630, Application to Become a Leave Recipient Under the Voluntary Leave Transfer Program, and forward it to his/her supervisor for approval. If the employee is unable to complete the application due to a physical or mental impairment, an immediate family member or other designated representative may complete the application on behalf of the employee. The employee must designate the representative in writing. In addition to OPM Form 630, the following documents must be provided:

  • Medical documentation that includes the diagnosis; prognosis; expected duration of the absence; and the expected date in which the employee may return to duty; and
  • Most current leave and earnings statement as verification of the current leave balance.

How do you Donate Leave?

Only annual leave may be donated to approved leave recipients in the Voluntary Leave Transfer Program. To donate leave, please complete OPM Form 630-A, Request to Donate Annual Leave to Leave Recipient Under the Voluntary Leave Transfer Program (Within Agency) and submit a copy of your most current leave and earning statement to your supervisor for review and approval. Upon completion please forward a copy of your application to DODEA, Human Resources Directorate- Employee Relations, 4800 Mark Center Drive, Alexandria, VA 22350-1401 or by facsimile to (571) 372-0796.

For donations outside the agency, please complete OPM Form 630-B, Request to Donate Annual Leave to Leave Recipient Under the Voluntary Leave Transfer Program (Outside Agency).

Questions: If you have any questions about the Voluntary Leave Transfer Program, please contact the DoDEA, Human Resources Regional Service Center, Employee Relations Section at (571) 372-0796.

References: DoDEA Regulation 5630.9, "Leave Administration," April 2, 1999, Sections 6331-6340 of title 5, United States Code, Subparts 630.901-630.913 of title 5, Code of Federal Regulations

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