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Professional Development Services

Professional Development Services

A heart-shaped handprint painted with various colors, with text in the center 'Students are at the heart of all we do.'

Professional development specialists work collaboratively to develop comprehensive professional learning that is aligned to DoDEA's priorities and

 current initiatives. Professional learning incorporates activities to actively engage educators in research-informed actions and productive practices that are essential for participants achieving the learning outcomes. We are committed to providing workforce development opportunities to educators and world-class instruction to students.

The primary focus of our work is to increase job-embedded professional learning that increases the knowledge, skills, disposition, and practices throughout the day for every educator in order to improve student learning.

Examples of our work include the following:

  • Professional learning support of CCRS in all content areas
  • Professional learning support for DoDEA Headquarters-developed initiatives
  • Development of Instructional leadership professional learning
  • Facilitation of design teams, cross-functional teams, and the DoDEA annual leadership symposium
  • Professional learning contract development and oversight
  • Participation as state members of the Council of Chief State School Officers (CCSSO) professional learning

Recognition Programs

In addition to our responsibilities of job-embedded professional learning, we coordinate the following recognition programs:

Professional Development Products

Please select the links below to view a few examples of our work.


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