Bill Douglas
Bill is proud of his 35 years as a veteran teacher in the DoDDS School System. He graduated from Central Missouri State University with an MA in Business Administration in 1964. He taught in the Raytown, Missouri School system for two years prior to coming into the DoDDS Program. Bill has taught in DoDDS schools in Naples, Italy, Lakenheath, England, Munich, Darmstadt, and Bonn, Germany, and is currently teaching in Taegu, Korea, where he represents the Korea District as Teacher of the Year. He and his wife, Susan, have two grown children who attended all twelve (plus kindergarten) years in the DoDDS system. Included in the following list are some of his educational accomplishments:
Represented Korea/Pacific on the School-To-Careers Task Force, a new DoDEA initiative, Arlington, VA, May, 2000. Participated in writing the vision, mission, and guiding principals statements for this new initiative. Served on a prior School-to-Career Committee in Germany.
Co-SIP Coordinator and co-host of the NCA Team visit to our school, 1999-2000. This involved year-long planning and chairing of staff development meetings, preparing and mailing school information packets to NCA members and preparation and delivery of a Power Point Presentation to the NCA team and administration.
Coordinator of three DoDDS Business Education Curriculum Task Force Meetings (Summer 1998 - Leesburg, VA, Fall 1998 - Okinawa, Japan, and Summer 1999 - Leesburg, VA). This involved assignment of courses and coordinating work schedules of other DoDDS business educators in preparation for writing DoDDS Business Objectives and LAPS.
Received Exceptional Performance Teacher Ratings, consecutively, for the past 17 years (1983 through 2000) from five different principals in two different schools.
Prior to this year, awarded District Teacher of the Year two years, consecutively, in 1989-90, and 1990-91, in the North Germany District.
Participated in the last three DoDEA Business Education Curriculum Review Committees.
Served on the original DoDDS (formerly USDESEA) task force that planned and wrote the concept for the individualized DoDDS Business Lab Program. As part of that team, traveled to Germany, England, and Spain to present this new concept to DoDDS Business Educators.
Chaired the successful Department of Education Secondary Schools Recognition Program in Bonn, Germany. Planned and supervised the writing of materials in conjunction with this award and coordinated the Department of Education inspection team visit.
Served as a recruiter for DoDDS at two National Business Association meetings in Chicago, IL, and Reno, NV, in two consecutive years. Assisted DoDEA Washington staff members at the DoDEA booth at both conferences in answering questions of prospective educators.
Served as an original member of the DoDDS SCANS Team at Ohio State University.
Served as a team member on the DoDDS Germany Curriculum Alignment Committee. Produced a video on Curriculum Alignment, and traveled to all schools in North Germany presenting this initiative to faculty/staff of each school and to the North Germany Administrator's Conference.
Published an article in Business Education World, McGraw Hill Publishing Company, concerning operation of our student-run corporation called "International Bazaar" (an import/export company) at the Darmstadt Career Center, Germany. This was a "spin-off expanded creation" of the original McGraw Lester Hill Corporation Student Simulation.
Served as a member of an NCA Team reviewing Munich American HS, Germany.
"Education is an ongoing process and there are many kinds of teachers in addition to the formally trained ones. We learn from everyone around us and from our experiences. I learn a great deal from my own students every day and incorporate this concept in my teaching."
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