Ellie Micklos
Mrs. Micklos has 27 years teaching experience and has taught in DoDEA schools for 20 years, with assignments in the Azores as a third grade teacher and in Korea as a Remedial Language Arts teacher, a fifth grade teacher, and as a staff developer, school improvement and assessment administrator. She has also taught second, third and fourth grades at Fort Bragg's Bowley and Butner Schools. Prior to joining DoDEA schools, Mrs. Micklos taught kindergarten, third and fourth grades at Achilles Elementary School in Gloucester, Va. She is a graduate of Christopher Newport University in Newport News, Va., and she received her Master's Degree in Elementary Education from Old Dominion University in Norfolk, Va.
Mrs. Micklos believes that preparing children for the future is not done by merely teaching reading, writing, and 'rithmetic. "Children come to us with more than just educational needs, and we are challenged to address all their needs. In other words, we should educate and nurture the "whole" child." A parent of a former student states, "Mrs. Micklos had a great way of keeping the children focused and excited; she always demanded respect and gave it in return. Mrs. Micklos's creative assignments, teaching style, and caring attitude always challenged and rewarded each child."