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Digital Design & Communication

Digital Design & Communication

Educational programs in the Information Technology Career Cluster are of interest to individuals who want to use their skills and abilities to engage with hardware, software, network systems, or multimedia to create, design, and produce interactive products; design, develop, implement, and repair computer systems and software; and work with coding languages.

The DoDEA College and Career Ready Standards (CCRS) for Career and Technical Education are adopted from the Common Career Technical Core. These standards are referenced as CCRS-CTE.

Standards for Information Technology Career Cluster (IT)

Digital Design & Communication Pathway

In the Digital Design & Communication Pathway, students learn to create, design, and produce a vast array of interactive multimedia products and services to be used in business, training, entertainment, communications, and marketing. 

To ensure pathway completion, it is recommended that students take courses in the following sequence: CTI405S,CTI307S,CTV301,CTI407S,CTI308S

Course Name Course Number Industry Credential Adopted Resources
Digital Media CTI405S N/A E-Dynamic Learning 237: Digital Media Fundamentals 1a E-Dynamic Learning 238: Digital Media Fundamentals 1b  
Digital Imaging CTI307S Adobe Certified: Photoshop LearnKey w/ GMetrix: Adobe Certified Professional 2020/2021/2022 - Photoshop
Video Communications I CTV301 N/A Cengage: Video Basics, 8th Edition; Television Production Handbook, 12th Edition
Web Design CTI407S NOCTI: Web Design LearnKey w/ GMetrix: Adobe Certified Professional 2020/2021/2022 - Dreamweaver
Digital Publishing CTI308S NOCTI: Advertising and Design LearnKey w/ GMetrix: Adobe Certified Professional 2020/2021/2022 - InDesign


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