DoDEA Established Redress and Resolution Paths

This list provides you with guidance IG personnel provide when contacted on the hotline. The list does not include all issues brought to the IG's attention but contains a representative sample. Our goal is to help those who are considering filing a hotline complaint and assist IG personnel responsible for responding to issues.

In accordance with the DoDEA OIG Investigations Guide, as authorized by DODEA AI 7050.01, DoDEA Hotline Program, paragraph 2.2.b, when other means of redress are available, OIG investigators should advise complainants to exhaust the recommended redress or remedy first. DoDEA investigators should try to give the applicable chain of command, at the lowest level that can resolve the issue, an opportunity to address problems.

In accordance with DoDEA AI 7050.01, DoDEA Hotline Program, paragraph 3.1.e.(1) and (2), DoDEA OIG may assist the complainant by providing the complainant with contact information for the individual, organization, or agency that can properly address the complainant’s issue.  Additionally, when matters should more appropriately be handled by the chain of command, another division within DoDEA, or an outside agency, DoDEA OIG may refer the issue to the applicable party/organization.

This list is intended to be an informal reference and should not be construed as legal advice. Although we provide possible referral information, the IG reserves the right to investigate any matter brought to our attention.

Recommendations of resolutions outside of DoDEA assume that you have already tried to address your issue informally by bringing your concern to the attention of your immediate supervisor or others in your chain of command.




Abuse of Authority Servicing Human Resources Office/DoDEA Labor Management and Employee Relations (LMER)
Administrative Grievance/Adverse Personnel Action Servicing Human Resources Office/DoDEA Labor Management and Employee Relations (LMER)
Alcohol and Drug Related Problems Chain of command
Alternative Dispute Resolution DoDEA Ombuds and Resolution Services; Resolution Resources | DoDEA
Anti-deficiency Act Violations Servicing Financial Management Office 
Appearance of Impropriety Report First to Chain of Command
Awards Chain of Command
Behavioral Health Issues (Suicide, Stress, etc.) Chain of Command or Crisis Hotlines/ DoDEA Labor Management and Employee Relations (LMER)
Child Abuse Law Enforcement, Family Advocacy, and Chain of Command (See DoDEA AI 1356.01)
Contractor/Contractor Violations Report First to Contracting Officer and/or DoDIG: Hotline ( 
Compensatory Time (Comp Time) Chain of Command
Congressional Inquiries If you have already contacted a member of Congress concerning an issue, please continue to pursue that avenue of redress with the congressional office.  The OIG cannot duplicate the process once you initiate the contact with a member of Congress.
Criminal Matters Local Law Enforcement
Disability/Reasonable Accommodation DoDEA Equal Employment Opportunity Division: Equal Employment Opportunity Programs | DoDEA

DoDEA Equal Employment Opportunity Division: Equal Employment Opportunity Programs | DoDEA; discrimination issues involving students and other beneficiaries as required under EO 13160 will be addressed by the Civil Rights Program: Civil Rights Program | DoDEA 


Domestic Violence (DoDEA Employees and Parents of DoDEA School Children) Local Law Enforcement, Military Member’s Chain of Command, and/or Family Advocacy Program
Equal Employment Opportunity DoDEA Equal Employment Opportunity Division: Equal Employment Opportunity Programs | DoDEA
Ethics Violations Chain of Command
False Official Statements Chain of Command
Favoritism Chain of Command or Servicing Human Resources Office/DoDEA Labor Management and Employee Relations (LMER)
Fifty-nine Minute Rule Chain of Command.  Generally, outside of chain of command instructions, there is no specific rule or regulation regarding supervisor’s authority to allow 59 minutes early departure from work without charging it as leave or loss of pay. 
Fraud (Significant) Fraudulence that is significant in amount or impact (multiple offenders, systemic to the division, region and/or organization), and/or would garner media attention: DoDEA OIG: Office of the Inspector General | DoDEA
Gambling in the Workplace Chain of Command
Gifts (improper gift giving/receipt, between employees or outside sources, foreign governments) DoDEA OGC: Office of General Counsel | DoDEA
Government Purchase Card (GPC)/Government Travel Charge Card (GTCC)

Minor: Chain of Command

Significant (amount, systemic impact, and/or media attention): DoDEA OIG: Office of the Inspector General | DoDEA

Grievance Procedures Negotiated (Bargaining Unit) Servicing Human Resources Office/DoDEA Labor Management and Employee Relations (LMER)
Harassment (including sexual)* DoDEA Equal Employment Opportunity Division: Equal Employment Opportunity Programs | DoDEA
Hatch Act Violations/Political Activities  Office of Special Counsel: Home (

Chain of Command; issues involving students and other beneficiaries as required under EO 13160 will be addressed by the Civil Rights Program: Civil Rights Program | DoDEA 


Hostile Work Environment DoDEA Labor Management and Employee Relations (LMER)
Leave or breaks (abuse or dispute) Chain of Command (Office of Personnel Management provides guidance)

Minor: Chain of Command

Significant (amount, systemic impact, and/or media attention): DoDEA OIG: Office of the Inspector General | DoDEA

Misuse of Official Time/Resources/Property

Minor: Chain of Command

Significant (amount, systemic impact, and/or media attention): DoDEA OIG: Office of the Inspector General | DoDEA

Performance Evaluations Chain of Command/DoDEA Labor Management and Employee Relations (LMER)
Performance Work Problems (Co-workers) Chain of Command
Political Activities Office of Special Counsel
Privacy Act Violations DoDEA Executive Services Division, Privacy Program: Privacy Program | DoDEA
Prohibited Personnel Practices Merit Systems Protection Board or Office of Special Counsel
Safety Chain of Command
Security Clearance Revocation or Suspension DoDEA Security Management Division (SMD) facilitates communication with DoD Consolidated Adjudications Facility for all matters relating to security clearances.  Management is responsible for reporting violations by personnel holding security clearances and/or in trusted positions to DoDEA SMD. 
Telework Chain of Command
Time and Attendance

Minor: Chain of Command

Significant (amount, systemic impact, and/or media attention): DoDEA OIG: Office of the Inspector General | DoDEA

Trafficking in Persons Local Law Enforcement, Chain of Command, and/or Department of Defense OIG: Hotline (
Travel Abuse (TAD/TDY) Chain of Command
Unfair Labor Practices DoDEA Labor Management and Employee Relations (LMER)
Whistleblower Reprisal (Appropriated Fund: GS, WG, etc.) Office of Special Counsel: Office of Special Counsel: Home ( or Department of Defense OIG: Hotline (
Whistleblower Reprisal (Non-Appropriated Fund/DoD Contractors) Department of Defense OIG: Hotline (
Worker’s Compensation Servicing Human Resources Office
Wrongful Termination DoDEA Labor Management and Employee Relations (LMER)

*Issues involving students or other beneficiaries should be directed to the Civil Rights Program: Civil Rights Program | DoDEA

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