Government Travel Charge Card


The GTCC is used by DoDEA employees to pay for costs related to official travel, including lodging, transportation, rental cars, meals, and other authorized reimbursable expenses.  All DoDEA employees are eligible to apply for a Government Travel Charge Card (GTCC). 

  • Government Travel Charge Card (GTCC) Application Process - Please consult your servicing Resource Management team as soon as you are aware of a GTCC need for assistance.
  • PCS/Mission Essential Status for GTCC cardholders - Please consult your servicing Resource Management team as soon as you are aware of the mission essential status.


  1. Am I required to have a GTCC?
    • Members of Collective Bargaining Agreements may be exempt.  Please talk to your union leadership.
    • All non-exempt employees are required to obtain a GTCC. 
  2. Where is the training? 
  3. Who is my APC?
    • Please contact your local RM office if you are in the Regions.
    • Please contact the HQ TDY Travel Chief if you are a HQ employee.
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